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The Fraser story begins 30 years ago at a race track in Auckland, where founder Neil Fraser first encountered a replica Lotus 7. He was so impressed by what he saw that he promptly set about building his own replica. When Neil took his hand-built replica to the 1988 National Car show, he received three orders on the spot.

Thirty years later, that same dedication to hand-built, precision vehicles underpins everything we do at Fraser.

Fraser Cars, along with a host of Lotus 7 Kit Car enthusiasts get together


After years as a chassis builder for Fraser, Scott Tristram and his wife Ida bought the Fraser business in 2006. Since then they have brought together a team of extraordinary master craftspeople with a passion for perfection and a love for classic cars.

From hand-machining to welding, sheet metal engineering to trim work, our team puts the same passion and perfectionism into every car that comes through our doors. And having worked on everything from superyachts to racing motorbikes to hundreds of classic cars, you know your Fraser is in the hands of experts.

For us, it’s not just about the cars that we create – it’s about the community of people who are so passionate about them.


While the Lotus 7 replicas – the foundation that Fraser was built on – will always be close to our hearts, our passion is custom-built cars.

A custom-built car is a beautiful thing. You’re not constrained by the cookie-cutter features of mainstream production – instead you can personally select each component of your pride and joy.

Maybe you picture yourself shooting around the track in a nifty wee number or exploring the country in your open-topped cruiser – whatever your dream is, Fraser can take your dream and make it a reality.

Create your own Fraser story – starting today.

Fraser Factory Auckland


Our workshop is based in Beach Haven on Auckland’s North Shore. Pattern pieces for Lotus 7 cars line the wall, continuing to inspire our team as they prepare components for self-builds or assemble someone’s new pride and joy.

Visitors are more than welcome – just pop us a message and set up a time. We’d be happy to show you around and welcome you into our Fraser family.


The Fraser team are a common sight at many car rallies and events around New Zealand. If you happen to see us, do come over and say hello! We’re a passionate bunch and we’d love to share some of that passion with you.

Scott Tristram

Ida Tristram

Dan Eriksen

Bruce Thomson

Ben Tilbury

Tim Trout

Luke Doughty